Caffe' Europa

Petizione elettronica per fermare la strage

La Redazione


Articoli collegati
Se 200.000 morti vi sembran pochi
Itinerario / Quell'isola contesa nell'arcipelago Web
Petizione elettronica per fermare la strage

Questa petizione circola da giorni in rete, invitando chiunque lo voglia a manifestare la propria indignazione inoltrandola ("forward") per via di posta elettronica presso la presidenza della repubblica indonesiana, il segretariato generale dell'Onu e il presidente Bill Clinton.

timo05.jpg (20579 byte) 

Dear Friends

If you agree with the present copy please send an e-mail to the addresses written down.
Please send this to all of your friends.

Thank you

Presidente Clinton:
Presidente da Indonésia:
Secret. general ONU: ,


Widespread death and destruction are happening in East Timor. Unless world leaders exert maximum pressure on the Indonesian Government the results of last Monday's referendum ( 78.5% in 98.5% of voters ) will be followed by a growing massacre and destruction of thousands of citizens who braved everything to vote, expressing overwhelmingly their wish to become independent. Regrettably, the Indonesian Government is not fullfiling the New York agreements and has allowed the violence to spread.

An international force is essential to prevent the total slaughter of the people by the anti-independence militias.


I call upon you to URGENTLY exert all of the available means at your disposal to make the killings stop and prevent the deportation and massacre of the people of East Timor.


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Se 200.000 morti vi sembran pochi
Itinerario / Quell'isola contesa nell'arcipelago Web
Petizione elettronica per fermare la strage


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