294 - 17.02.06

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Translating and Understanding each other to isolate radicalism



Reset Dialogues
on Civilizations

Board of governors
Scientific Committee
Versione italiana

Supreme Council of Culture
Cairo, 1 Gabaleia
str. El Gezira
(near Opera House), Egypt
March 4th, 5th and 6th
Full program


Intellectuals and politicians from Europe, America, as well as from Arab and Muslim countries, will meet in Cairo for three days to discuss modalities and rules for dialogue among different civilizations with the intent of releasing confrontation from those reciprocal distortions and stereotypes that go under the names of “Orientalism” and “Occidentalism”.

Historians, philosophers, anthropologists and politicians will hold discussions in order to find a common language allowing the identification of areas of consensus concerning the rejection of radicalism and violence, as well as circumscribing dissent to its appropriate dimension.

Meeting sessions will be dedicated to specific issues:
- Rules for a fruitful dialogue;
- Use of the concept of democracy in relations between different cultures;
- The media’s impact on global and intercultural relations.

A historical session will be dedicated to reconstructing the social and historical context that in the past made possible a major transfer of culture through translations.

The initiative is promoted by the Association Reset- Dialogues on Civilizations, created thanks to an international promoting committee, presided by Georg Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, Francesco Micheli, and the Italian magazine Reset, edited by Giancarlo Bosetti. The Association’s Scientific Committee is presided by Giuliano Amato. Among its members: Timothy Garton Ash, Anthony Giddens, Avishai Margalit, Andrea Riccardi, Michael Walzer and several distinguished members of the Muslim culture such as Abdou Filali-Ansary, Hassan Hanafi, Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd and Bassam Tibi.

In addressing the subject: “Beyond Orientalism and Occidentalism. Thinking Dialogue Among Civilizations”, papers will be presented by Giuliano Amato, Former German Minister of Interior Otto Schily, Antonio Badini, Fred R. Dallmayr, Charles Burnett, Massimo Campanini, Dimitri Gutas, Nina zu Fürstenberg, and Egyptian intellectuals such as Gaber Asfour, Hassan Hanafi, Zeyneb el-Khodeyri, Mahmoud Amin el Alem, Emad Abu Ghazi, and Mohamed Salmawi.

The international conference will be held in cooperation with the Supreme Council of Culture of Egypt, Cairo. We thank the Italian Embassy and the Goethe Institut
in Cairo.

Full program

For further information call +39 06 68407011 or email resetmag@tin.it