294 - 17.02.06

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Reset Dialogues on Civilizations           

Goals of the Association



Reset Dialogues
on Civilizations

Board of governors
Scientific Committee
Versione italiana

The goals of the international cultural association named Reset Dialogues on Civilizations – which recognizes and highly estimates the value of cultural differences – are the following:

- Promoting dialogue and the culture of dialogue in the world

- Promoting the culture of freedom, of human rights, and of the rule of law

- Reducing the tensions that might rise from cultural differences and favouring conditions for pacific resolutions of conflicts.

In order to achieve our aims, the Association resolves to provide its specific contribution through debates, meetings, seminars, and publications; to promote cultural understanding on the basis of reciprocity and equal dignity; to oppose exclusivist and intolerant trends of ethnic nationalism, racism, religious fanaticism, and fundamentalism - which often lead to violence, terrorism, and conflicts.

The promotion of dialogue shall not and cannot be understood as an escape from responsibilities in the face of human rights violations, crimes against humanity or terrorist actions according to the definition proposed by UN Secretary General.

Description of the Association’s Activities
Reset Dialogues on Civilizations intends to achieve its goals through:

- an annual convention with several international guests in a venue pertaining to the chosen topic

- two or three lectures throughout the year in different venues so to guarantee the best impact on the international press

- the direct and indirect promotion of publications that will suit the association’s goals

- the circulation of news on social activities and pertaining topics, both through the website and through a monthly newsletter in English and Italian.

Characteristics of intercultural dialogue
Promoting dialogue and the culture of dialogue means activating initiatives which create conditions of equal dignity for all parties. This should help to spread the knowledge and the practice of the rules of and conditions for a fruitful exchange of ideas. The Association’s aim is to create an environment of mutual trust and respect among partners, by promoting the knowledge of the respective cultures as well as expanding dialogue. Such result can be obtained through knowledge involving the past as well as the future.
The Association will encompass various branches of knowledge and practice: history, philosophy, social sciences, economy, fine arts, show business, communication, journalism, and politics. Each time it will choose topics, disciplines, interlocutors and places which will seem most suitable for its general purposes.
The Association will organize events through its network of intellectuals, journalists, politicians, activists, and associations that are already operating in this direction in various branches of knowledge and in various world’s areas. In this sense, the Association intends to pursue the line of action promoted by the magazine Reset, entrusting its realization to Reset’s executive group and network of contributors. The Association will promote the circulation of ideas, information and writings among different cultural areas for a better understanding and comprehension of their respective backgrounds, history, and problems. It will support policies aiming at the circulation of ideas, free speech, free press, and freedom of association.

The Association will be the first step to a more ambitious, continuative project of a Foundation.