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International Meeting in memory of Norberto Bobbio
Centro Congressi "Torino Incontra",
Via Nino Costa n.8
Turin, March 19th-20th 2004

Friday 19th March 2004
Centro Congressi “Torino Incontra”, Sala Einaudi

[h. 9.45-10.00]
Opening remarks, Giancarlo BOSETTI

[h. 10.00-13.15]
The core of the Liberal-socialist tradition

I) Equal Liberty and Social Justice: an unstable compound?
chairman: Elisabetta GALEOTTI
speaker: Nadia URBINATI
discussants: Marco REVELLI, Saverio VERTONE
participants’ interventions and debate

Coffee break

II) Which international role for a Liberal-socialist Europe?
chairman: Giovanna ZINCONE
speaker: Giuliano AMATO
discussants: Emma BONINO, Karl von SCHWARTZENBERG
participants’ interventions and debate

Between Free Market and Public Intervention

[h.15.00– 16.45]
III) The basics of a neo-progressive agenda
chairman: Enrico MORANDO
speaker: Anthony GIDDENS
discussants: Bruno MANGHI, Michele SALVATI
participants’ interventions and debate

Coffee break

IV) Democracies and the challenges of inequality
chairman: Krzystof MICHALSKI
speaker: Adam MICHNIK
discussants: Monique CANTO-SPERBER, Alberto MARTINELLI
participants’ interventions and debate

Saturday 20th March 2004
Centro Congressi “Torino Incontra”, Sala Giolitti

[h. 09.45-13.30]
Liberal-socialism and reformism in Europe

Reopening of the Meeting;
Chairmen: Giancarlo BOSETTI e Nino RIZZO NERVO

Bobbio and Politics,
a lecture of Luciano CAFAGNA

In search of a common inspiration for European neo-progressivism
Participants: Giuliano AMATO, Enrico BOSELLI, Piero FASSINO, Adam MICHNIK, Francesco RUTELLI, Anthony GIDDENS, Narcìs SERRA, Walter VELTRONI.
interventions and debate from invited participants and the audience

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